Lyme-N is a proprietary combination of natural, inorganic compounds and organic molecules that possess inherently antimicrobial properties. The ingredients in Lyme-N are “Generally Recognized As Safe,” or GRAS (a term used by the FDA).

Lyme-N quickly penetrates pathogenic microorganisms, selectively disrupting protein and nucleic acid structures. The action produces a lethal effect on spirochetes. Certain components of Lyme-N possess antibacterial-like, antiviral-like, antimicrobial-like, and antifungal-like action, and other components act to chaperone those active components safely and effectively into the body.

Adverse reactions reported during treatment have been scratchy throat and coughing (resolved during use with a mentholated cough drop), as well as fatigue, which remediate on their own after treatment is stopped.

No long-term health risks have been noted.